10 Mar National Read Across America Week
I had the privilege to visit Salem Baptist Christian School where my daughter teaches in
Winston-Salem, NC last week for national Read Across America Week and visit several classrooms from Kindergarten through 5th Grade and read a book to them.
One thing I know for sure is that no matter how much technology we have available to us today, whether it be cellphones, tablets, computers, or television….children still LOVE to be read to in person. Their little faces light up as the story unfolds, they patiently wait with anticipation for the next page to be turned, they delight in the book coming to life when it is read with excitement and inflection in the voice, and when the book finally ends, they clap with pleasure and approval.
So….moms, dads, grandparents, siblings, teachers…..continue to read to your children. It is important. It strengthens their cognitive development, as well as their social, emotional, and character development. Plus, the wonderful bonding that you have with them through the process of going on a journey with a story is priceless.
Reading matters.
–Melody, from The Morning JoyRide with Daniel & Melody, weekdays 6AM-10AM ET on Joy FM