You are on a mission from God…a real blessing on wheels. 
While others ‘go large’ with their own orders… 
you are busy ‘super sizing’ a random act of kindness for the person in your rearview mirror.  
You are a Drive-thru Difference-maker.

Like the gentle flap of a butterfly’s wings, your simple gesture could create a storm of generosity that affects the lives and hearts of others behind you.  Here’s how it works:

  1. Next time you’re at a drive-thru, tell the cashier that you’d like to pay for your order + the order of the next person in line.
  2. Hand the cashier the “Drive-Thru Difference” letter encouraging that person to share their experience w/ Joy FM (see below).
  3. You can share your experience below, or better yet, by calling 888.985.6936!