You Have to Read This!

You Have to Read This!

This letter was received on our Prayer Wall on our website today at Joy FM. Would you pray along with us for this man whose heart is being prompted?

“Well, let me start like this I am not a Christian. Matter of fact, I am an atheist and have been for most of my life. I was going through the channels looking for something to listen to and I ran across your station playing the song that was played at my grandmothers funeral. I start listening and then I listen to the next and the next and then the next one. I turned away from your channel but always seem to come back to this. I don’t know how to explain it when I hear a song that I like. I get a nervous, joyful feeling down deep in my soul so I really don’t know what’s going on. Is this God that you talked about talking to me? Well, I don’t know so I will ask what I hear a bunch of your Callers say, Will you pray for me? Signing, confused.”

This is why Joy FM matters.  It changes lives…..completely.  Would you consider giving a gift to Joy FM so that the life changing music of Jesus continues to touch lives and hearts.  Even an atheist heart.  



An Important Message from John LongView
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