07 Oct Life Lessons
A few Life Lessons I’ve learned over the years from those who have loved me most. They have never failed me yet.
1) Put yourself in “their” place and think…..if that were me, how would I feel and how would I like to be treated if I were in this situation. Then do it.
2) Be very careful about making decisions or accusations on what you’ve heard from other people. Assumptions can be very costly in the end. Proceed cautiously, fairly, and use discernment in your approach. Add to that what was said in #1 and it will make the approach to your decisions so much easier plus help not make a situation much worse than it needs to be. And best of all….you feel good about how you handled it and never have to go back and apologize.
3) It’s not what you say but how you say it. It makes all the difference in the world.
4) Before tackling anything major in your life, (or for that matter, anything minor too), pray as if your life depended on it. It is there that God will reveal to you what is best for you, the other person, or the situation or circumstance.
Pray. Pray. Pray.
I haven’t always gotten these right in my life but when I do, it sure makes my life easier, allows me to treat others with respect and compassion and best of all, brings me closer to the ONE who I want in complete control of my life.