Horizon Church is hosting Recovery Soldiers Ministries Women’s Choir for a Sunday morning Song & Testimonial Service at 316 Signal Hill Drive on September 22nd, 2024 at 10:00 am. Angel Kolle (KO-LEE), a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor for North Carolina, will also be on hand to give an overview of the counseling services she is able to provide. Ms. Kolle, who is a daughter of area ministry leader Michael Maffucci, will also give a short update on programs and resources available within our county to those struggling with addiction, as well as the family members and friends who offer support to those addicted. The event is free and the public is invited. Anyone currently in need of, or already in recovery; and everyone giving ministry and support to those who are struggling are encouraged to come to this service. Immediately after the service, Horizon Church will be providing a pot luck fellowship lunch for all who attend.