09 Jul Butterfly Hugs
Make a butterfly… make a difference in the life of someone in need of encouragement!
At JOY FM, we’re collecting butterflies made out of anything you would like – construction paper, fabric, pipe cleaners, coffee filters… let your imagination soar! Your butterfly will be paired with an encouraging note and given to one of our friends and neighbors needing love and hope. It’s a very special project called Butterfly Hugs®!
There is no deadline! We will be collecting butterflies indefinitely. Smaller butterflies that can fit inside greeting card envelopes are especially needed. Your greeting card-sized masterpieces will be mailed to those precious friends who are too far away to receive a hand-delivered Butterfly Hug®.
Note: Please do not include candy or food items in your butterfly creations.
More details at joyfm.org
Send a butterfly to:
JOY FM Radio
Butterfly Hugs®
PO BOX 25775
Winston-Salem NC 27114