Have you given much thought to your legacy?Ā  I get it, thatā€™s a big question!Ā  If we are truthful with each other, I believe we would admit it would be nice to be remembered in a positive way.Ā  Maybe for you that looks like being known as a person who is caring, generous, a passionate employee, the worldā€™s best parent/grandparent.

You are someone who truly grasps the value of legacy!

Iā€™d like to add one more description of you: you are truly a world changer.Ā  There is a song by Karen Peck and New River that says:

ā€œ…for now the sun’s still rising. There’s work to still be done.

While we’re waiting for the promise of what is yet to come.

Finish well. Every day that we are given. Finish well.

For the glory of His name. Finish strong.

Until the Savior finally calls us home.

Give it everything we have!ā€

Your support of Joy FM will have an impact, which you may never truly grasp this side of heaven.

Thatā€™s why I am writing today to ask you to pray about joining us in a special project that has the potential to impact hundreds of thousands of lives. Joy FM has been given the opportunity to acquire a new building for our offices in Winston-Salem.

Have you ever been in the position that your family outgrew your home and realized you needed more space?Ā  That is exactly what has happened to your Joy FM family!Ā  With signal expansion affording us new listeners, our community reach has expanded to the point that we are growing our team.Ā  Our current space has been such a gift, but we are almost shoulder to shoulder, which is challenging as we move into spaces such as video, additional on-air teams, additional donor care and engagement opportunities with friends like yourself. We look forward to being able to host more events, offer space for video recording, and welcome in more groups. Picture adding more seats to the family dining table!

Would you prayerfully consider giving a special gift to help us with this project?Ā  You are someone who gets the importance of Christian radio and the gift it can be for those who are home bound, lonely, and searching.

I’m believing for friends to do a gift of $500 or $1,000 to fund this important project.

I’m hoping you will consider being one of them. If you’d like, you can take multiple spots by doing $3,000 or $5,000 helping us get this project up and running even sooner.Ā  As a thank you, for your gift of $500 we will place a garden paver in our memorial garden; or for your $1,000 gift, we will add a brick to our legacy wall in memory or in honor of your chosen loved one.

Your legacy with Joy FM is strong. We are so grateful for how you have partnered with us so that lives can continue to be changed in our community.Ā  You are a missionary, as you embody the message of Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus is speaking to the disciples, but I think itā€™s the same challenge to us todayā€¦

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.ā€

Iā€™m excited as I think about the opportunities your Joy FM has been given for growing our signal coverage, as well as space to serve our community.Ā  Special concerts…womenā€™s events…service opportunities.Ā  Iā€™d love to chat with you, should you have any questions about this project. Feel free to give me a call at 888-569-9974.

Faithfully Yours,

Daniel Britt
General Manager, Joy FM

PS: Thank you for taking time to read this short note from me to you.Ā  I pray that you will partner with us. You can give now online. Please simply put ā€œbuildingā€ in the notes section, when you give online.Ā  Or call us at 888-569-9974!


..:::: Progress Report Updates ::::..


January 22, 2020: After an Incredible 2019 and Godā€™s overwhelming blessing to Joy FM, we have run out of space in our current Studios we have been given now a wonderful opportunity to move into a larger facility very soon! A ministry partner has come alongside to help Joy FM with a new building and incredible bargain to take Joy FM to the next level! The community is coming together to help make this happen for the bold message of Jesus Christ on Joy FM. Joy FM thanks you for being such a good friend of this ministry ā€” exciting days are ahead!


January 29, 2020:ā€œYouā€™re running low on space.ā€ Ever get that alert on your phone or computer? Godā€™s overwhelming blessing to Joy FM continues and Joy FM is out of space. We have been given a super opportunity to move into a larger building and we are grateful to the ministry partners who are helping make it happen! BIG thanks to the youth and parents of Reynolda Church of Winston-Salem for helping to prepare the building for the construction to happen. As part of this, we will be able to BLESS Godā€™s Pit Crew with thousands of dollars of warehouse shelving for disaster relief! Pray a prayer of thanksgiving to God for providing a new building at an incredible bargain to take Joy FM to the next level!


February 5, 2020: Joy FM has been given the opportunity to acquire a new building for our offices in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.Ā  Have you ever been in the position that your family outgrew your home and realized you needed more space?Ā  That is exactly what has happened to your Joy FM family!Ā  With signal expansion affording us new listeners, our community reach has expanded to the point that we are growing our team.Ā  Our current space has been such a gift but we are almost shoulder to shoulder, which is challenging as we do more ministry through video, additional on-air teams, additional donor care and engagement opportunities with friends like yourself. We look forward to being able to host more events, offer space for video recording, welcome in more groups. Picture adding more seats to the family dining table! Construction has begun! Praise the Lord!


February 12, 2020: God is providing a new home for Joy FM! You may have heard, Godā€™s overwhelming blessing to Joy FM continues and Joy FM is out of space. We have been given a super opportunity to move into a larger building and we are grateful to the ministry partners who are helping make it happen! GODā€™S PIT CREW to the rescue! This volunteer-led group is on the ground in Winston-Salem helping to transform the building into a new radio station home for Joy FM. Check out some time-lapse video and photos below. Iā€™m excited as I think about the opportunities Joy FM has been given for growing our signal coverage, as well as space to serve our community. We are dreaming of expanded opportunities for Special concerts, womenā€™s events, service opportunities, and helping other ministries!

Building The Future


February 24, 2020: The big red trucks from Godā€™s Pit Crew rolled in and are set up with a team of over 15 men and women working long hours while away from the families. Theyā€™re working at the new Joy FM buildingā€¦and they are truly being the hands and feet of Christ, bringing their skills and time to expand the ministry of Joy FM. We are simply overwhelmed at God. He provided these brothers and sisters at our time of need. As weā€™ve been reporting, God has blessed tremendously last year with signal expansion, bringing new listeners, and expanding our community reach to the point that we are growing but we are almost shoulder to shoulder, which is challenging in our old studios. Several of our staff members are sitting at folding tables, because thereā€™s no room for a desk! Check out the progress so far with Godā€™s Pit Crew preparing the space and working on the walls of the new studios; video is below. Exciting days are ahead!

Building Update #2

Building Update #3

March 2, 2020: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.Ā  And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. ā€¦ that scripture from Deuteronomy is something we took literally when building a new Joy FM building the other day! Weā€™re growing and need more space, and God is providing! Godā€™s Pit Crew framed the new walls for brand new Joy FM broadcast studios across town from where we are now. Before we put up the final sheet rock, staff and volunteers took time to pray and WRITE ON THE DOORPOSTS, studs, beamsā€¦scriptures, prayers, and blessings. Imagine as we are fully operating 24/7 from the new building knowing that GODā€™S WORD is literally inscribed deep into the structure of this ministry! Check out our latest update video below:


March 11, 2020: Partners from all over and showing up! We have to say a HUGE thank you to Magnolia Landscaping Group from Lexington NC showing up recently to RIP UP the old parking lot at our new Joy FM building ā€¦ creating wheelchair accessibility ramps for listeners, guests, and donors to visit ā€¦ and making way for another partner from another city who is donating a new parking lot! With our friend Tanner and his team at Magnolia, this is true team work for Godā€™s Kingdom at work! Friend, itā€™s you and your support, the physical labor of Godā€™s Pit Crew volunteers, Magnolia Landscaping, and so many others we will be telling you about. For now, thereā€™s a little more gravel and dust, but we can see a new home for Joy FM coming soon! Check out some time-lapse video and photos on Facebook and our website Joy FM dot org.Ā  Iā€™m excited as I think about the opportunities Joy FM has been given for growing our signal coverage, as well as space to serve our community. We are dreaming of expanded opportunities for Special concerts, womenā€™s events, service opportunities, and helping other ministries!

Building Update #4

An Important Message from John LongView
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