07 Aug Just the Cutest!
DID YOU KNOW? Your Baby Knows Your Taste In Music? According to research conducted by the University of Helsinki, babies recognize the music they hear in the womb for up to four months after the birth. In fact, the song that you used to hear during the...
Last night we met Larry and Linda at the prayer service. As we were leaving I said, “Prayers appreciated for Friday, I have colon cancer surgery.” Linda said, “Yes, of course, I have my breast cancer surgery on the 14th.” We hugged and shared a...
Be sure to listen to Melody and Candi talk with Scotty Inman on the latest episode of Quirks, Bumps, and Bruises!...
DID YOU KNOW? In 1875 a Swiss confectioner, Daniel Peter, developed a solid milk-chocolate using condensed milk, which had been invented by Henri Nestlé, Peter’s neighbour in Vevey. But it wasn’t until several years later that he worked with his friend Henri Nestle and they created the Nestle Company and brought...